RTP (Възвръщаемост за Играч)
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Сметката ви ще бъде блокирана в продължение на 12 часа.
bet365 offers are only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers.

1st - 28th September

€50,000 Everyone's A Winner

With up to €2,000 in cash or a €1 Live Casino Bonus to be won, there are prizes for all

Here’s how it works:
  1. 1 Opt in and play on any Live Casino game during each promotional period.
  2. 2 Get a ticket to the next prize draw for every €10 staked.
  3. 3 If you earn a ticket but don't win a cash prize, you are guaranteed a €1 Live Casino Bonus.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

The prize draws will take place on 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th September 2023. Prizes are detailed in the below table.
Weekly Prize Draw Table
Prizes Amount
1 €2,000
1 €1,500
1 €1,000
10 €100
40 €50
123 €20
254 €10
Total: 430 Prizes Total: €12,500
Significant Offer Terms and Conditions
  • This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers.
  • Promotional periods run on the following dates:
    00:00 GMT on 1st September until 23:59 GMT on 7th September 2023.
    00:00 GMT on 8th September until 23:59 GMT on 14th September 2023.
    00:00 GMT on 15th September until 23:59 GMT on 21st September 2023.
    00:00 GMT on 22nd September until 23:59 GMT on 28th September 2023.
  • You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. Only stakes made via Casino and Live Casino contribute; all other stakes, including those made on Live Casino games launched via Casino, Slots, Sports or the Poker client do not contribute. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further €10 staked on eligible Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets.
  • You can win a maximum of one cash prize or one Live Casino Bonus in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draws will be reallocated among qualifying players.
  • Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the corresponding promotional period. All prizes will be credited as cash or a €1 Live Casino Bonus and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
  • Once claimed, the Live Casino Bonus must be wagered once on any Live Casino game.
  • Only play from the day a customer becomes fully verified and eligible will count towards the wagering requirement of this offer.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotional periods run on the following dates:
    00:00 GMT on 1st September until 23:59 GMT on 7th September 2023.
    00:00 GMT on 8th September until 23:59 GMT on 14th September 2023.
    00:00 GMT on 15th September until 23:59 GMT on 21st September 2023.
    00:00 GMT on 22nd September until 23:59 GMT on 28th September 2023.
  • You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. Only stakes made via Casino and Live Casino contribute; all other stakes, including those made on Live Casino games launched via Casino, Slots, Sports or the Poker client do not contribute. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further €10 staked on eligible Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets.
  • If you opt in prior to 23:59 GMT on the final day of a promotional period, all play during that promotional period will qualify.
  • Bets on Roulette covering 67% or more of all betting positions, and bets on Baccarat on both Player and Banker, will not contribute towards earning tickets.
  • You can win a maximum of one cash prize or one Live Casino Bonus in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draws will be reallocated among qualifying players.
  • There is a total of €50,000 in cash available with a maximum prize of €2,000 in each prize draw.
  • This offer is only available 30 days after opening an account to fully verified and eligible customers. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.

    As part of our full verification requirements you must be document verified. Visit our dedicated
    Verification page which provides an explanation of our requirements for full verification and guides you through the process.
  • Only play from the day a customer becomes fully verified and eligible will count towards the wagering requirement of this offer.
  • Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the corresponding promotional period. All prizes will be credited as cash or a €1 Live Casino Bonus and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
  • Once claimed, the Live Casino Bonus must be wagered once on any Live Casino game.
  • Not all games are guaranteed to be available during the promotional period and might only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified.
General Information
  • Ако някое от условията за бонуси е нарушено или има доказателство за поредица от залози, които поради бонус депозит, безплатни залози, залози без риск или друга промоция, водят до гарантирана печалба за клиента, индивидуално или в група, bet365 си запазва правото да изиска сумата обратно от клиента, и по свое решение да уреди залога по точния коефициент, отмени безплатен залог или залог без риск, или всеки залог, захранен с депозит бонуса. В допълнение, при наличие на доказателства за така дейност bet365 си запазва правото да наложи административни такси за клиента в рамките на бонуса, безплатния залог, залога без риск или допълнителното плащане, за да покрите административните разходи за откриване и противодействие на тази активност.
  • bet365 може да изиска обратно всяка бонус сума, присъдена в резултат на грешка.
  • Всички оферти за клиентите са ограничени за една на човек. bet365 си запазва правото да изтегли всяка оферта или всички оферти към всеки клиент или група клиенти по всяко време и да изиска обратно бонус частта от баланса на клиента, ако има основания да счита, че бонусът или офертата се изискват от или в полза на едно и също лице повече от един път, от група лица, извършена е измама или е имало опит за измама.
  • bet365 may, at any time, make minor amendments to this promotion to correct typos or to improve on clarity or customer experience and may cancel this promotion for legal or regulatory reasons.
  • За да предотврати измами, bet365 въведе методи за откриване и превенция на злоупотребата с тази оферта. bet365 си запазва правото да изискаме клиентът да предостави допълнителна документация, за да може да сме напълно убедени по наше виждане за самоличността на клиента, преди да кредитираме оферта, бонус средства и/или печалби в сметката на клиента.
  • Никой от служителите на bet365, агенциите, с които работи, лицензиантите, провайдъри на услуги или други свързани и партньорски компании, няма право да ползва тази Промоция. Същото важи и за преките семейства на горепосочените.