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Rank#1|stake#0.00|tickets#0|timestamp#19/08/2024 00:56 GMT
LastUpdated#31/12/2024 02:26 (UK)
Here’s how it works:
  1. 1 Opt in and play any Live Casino game during each promotional period.
  2. 2 Get a ticket to the next prize draw for every €10 staked on eligible games, such as the exclusive Super Spin Roulette.
  3. 3 If you earn a ticket but don't win a cash prize, you are guaranteed a €1 Bonus.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

Ecco alcuni dei giochi validi:
The draws will take place on 17th and 24th June, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July and 5th, 12th and 19th August 2024. Prizes are detailed in the below table.

Weekly Prize Pool
Prizes Amount
1 €2,000
1 €1,500
1 €1,000
7 €500
54 €100
121 €50
265 €20
350 €15
Total: 800 Prizes Total: €30,000
Significant Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotional periods run on the following dates:
    00:00 GMT on 10th until 23:59 GMT on 16th June 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 17th until 23:59 GMT on 23rd June 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 24th until 23:59 GMT on 30th June 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 1st until 23:59 GMT on 7th July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 8th until 23:59 GMT on 14th July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 15th until 23:59 GMT on 21st July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 22nd until 23:59 GMT on 28th July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 29th July until 23:59 GMT on 4th August 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 5th until 23:59 GMT on 11th August 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 12th until 23:59 GMT on 18th August 2024.
  • You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. You must stake a minimum of €10 in cash on any Live Casino game (via Live Casino or Casino), to earn one ticket to the next prize draw. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further €10 staked on all Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets in each promotional period.
  • The draws will take place on 17th and 24th June, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July and 5th, 12th and 19th August 2024.
  • You can win a maximum of one cash prize or a €1 Bonus in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draws will be reallocated among qualifying players.
  • Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the corresponding promotional period. All prizes will be credited as cash or a €1 Bonus and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
  • Once claimed, the bonus must be wagered once on Live Casino games, excluding Blackjack Surrender and Blackjack Switch, before funds can be withdrawn.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotional periods run on the following dates:
    00:00 GMT on 10th until 23:59 GMT on 16th June 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 17th until 23:59 GMT on 23rd June 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 24th until 23:59 GMT on 30th June 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 1st until 23:59 GMT on 7th July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 8th until 23:59 GMT on 14th July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 15th until 23:59 GMT on 21st July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 22nd until 23:59 GMT on 28th July 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 29th July until 23:59 GMT on 4th August 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 5th until 23:59 GMT on 11th August 2024.
    00:00 GMT on 12th until 23:59 GMT on 18th August 2024.
  • You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. You must stake a minimum of €10 in cash on any Live Casino game (via Live Casino or Casino), to earn one ticket to the next prize draw. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further €10 staked on all Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets in each promotional period.
  • The draws will take place on 17th and 24th June, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July and 5th, 12th and 19th August 2024.
  • If you opt in prior to 23:59 GMT on the final day of a promotional period, all play during that promotional period will qualify.
  • Bets on Roulette covering 67% or more of all betting positions will not contribute towards earning tickets.
  • You can win a maximum of one cash prize or a €1 Bonus in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draws will be reallocated among qualifying players.
  • There is a total of €30,000 in cash available, with a maximum prize of €2,000 in each prize draw. For a full breakdown of prizes available, see the prize draw table above.
  • Only play from the day a customer becomes fully verified and eligible will count towards the wagering requirement of this offer.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
  • Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the corresponding promotional period. All prizes will be credited as cash or a €1 Bonus and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
  • Not all games are guaranteed to be available during the promotional period and might only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified.
  • Once claimed, the bonus must be wagered once on Live Casino games, excluding Blackjack Surrender and Blackjack Switch, before funds can be withdrawn.
General Information
  • Questi termini e condizioni vanno letti insieme ai termini e condizioni generali.
  • Qualora vengano violati uno o più termini dell'offerta o sia dimostrabile che delle scommesse piazzate da un cliente o da un gruppo di clienti, a seguito di un bonus sul versamento, pagamenti incrementati o altre offerte promozionali, assicurino profitti indipendenti dal risultato delle scommesse, individualmente o in quanto parte di un gruppo, bet365 si riserva la possibilità di confiscare il bonus o pagamento migliorato previsto dall'offerta, annullare le puntate effettuate utilizzando fondi derivanti dall'offerta e/o rimuovere le vincite derivanti da tali puntate. Inoltre, qualora sia dimostrabile tale attività, bet365 potrebbe applicare una commissione al cliente fino al valore del bonus o pagamento migliorato per coprire i costi amministrativi sostenuti per identificare e contrastare tale attività.
  • Nel tentativo di contrastare eventuali attività fraudolente, bet365 ha introdotto dei metodi per individuare e prevenire qualsiasi abuso di questa offerta. bet365 si riserva la possibilità di richiedere a qualsiasi cliente di seguire le procedure di verifica e/o di inviare i documenti necessari ad accertarne l'identità in misura ragionevole prima dell'assegnazione di offerte, fondi bonus e/o vincite sul conto di gioco.
  • bet365 si riserva la possibilità di confiscare eventuali fondi bonus assegnati erroneamente.
  • Tutte le offerte sono limitate a una a persona. Qualora bet365 abbia validi motivi per sospettare che il bonus o l'offerta sia stato richiesto più di una volta da o per conto di una stessa persona o gruppo di persone, si riserva la possibilità di ritirare tale offerta o tutte le offerte per tale cliente o gruppo di clienti e/o di annullare le eventuali puntate effettuate utilizzando il bonus e di rimuovere le vincite derivanti da tali puntate.
  • bet365 potrebbe apportare in qualunque momento cambiamenti marginali a questa promozione per correggere errori di digitazione, chiarire il funzionamento della promozione o migliorare l'esperienza di gioco e si riserva la possibilità di cancellare la promozione o applicare restrizioni per motivi legali, normativi o tecnici.
  • I dipendenti e i dirigenti di bet365 assieme alle sue agenzie di promozione o di altro tipo, i possessori e gli erogatori di licenze, chi fornisce il servizio e qualsiasi altra compagnia associata o affiliata non possono usufruire della promozione. Le stesse condizioni si applicano ai familiari delle persone sopraindicate.